$ 39.99 USD
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Featured on Kickstarter in 2016.

The Yarnit is a nearly indestructible globe that keeps your yarn safe and protected from grime, pets, and accidents. Now your yarn will always stay by your side - no more chasing it across the floor or down the isle of a plane or peeling it off your car’s dirty floor mat. No more tangled messes - the centrifugal force design means your yarn easily flows from the globe helping you maintain an even tension.

PLUS, the Yarnit's special rubber base holds securely to all surfaces AND provides a storage well to keep those “never can find ‘em when you need ‘em” items like stitch markers, scissors and darning needles. To top it off, the top of our globe has needle docking slots to keep your needle tips protected and stitches safe on your line when you are taking a break!

Knitting Is Officially In Style!

  • Super-durable Lexan shell with needle docking slots 
  • Easy-open design 
  • Rubber base for easy resting on any surface 
  • Secret Compartment for scissors, stitch markers, and more 
  • Shoulder strap for easy travel!
  • Compact 5" design