Did you ever see a yarn and just had to have it? No matter how many times you walked past it and tried to ignore it, it's siren song just kept on calling you until you had no logical knitterly choice but to give in and indulge? So goes my love affair with the newest brand of yarn we are adding to our collection at Woolwinders: HIKOO SIMPLINATURAL! From the incredible "sponginess" of the hand to the subtle flecked nature of the coloring, this is one truly lovely baby alpaca/mulberry silk/fine merino blend yarn that is a must have knitting up at 4-4.5 sts=1" on US 8-9 needles with an admirable 183 yds. per skein. My next personal project to celebrate spring will DEFINITELY be with HIKOO SIMPLINATURAL! Will yours? Knit on, friends!