Calling all serious yarnistas who want to learn more about the fiber we all love and of which we can't seem to get enough! Join JENNIFER RAYMOND'S YARN PROPERTIES CLASS on SATURDAY, APRIL 12TH from 1-4 PM and finally "unravel" the mystery of yarn weights and properties! THIS APRIL CLASS ONLY HAS TWO OPENINGS LEFT AND THE FEBRUARY CLASS IS FULL!!! Don't miss this opportunity to learn what DK really means! What are plies and why are they important? How do I substitute one yarn weight or fiber for another? Join Jennifer and gain a deeper understanding of our favorite fiber, or, get "SHEEP-AND-WOOL-READY" and register for this wonderfully informative and useful class TODAY and never buy yarn you love and don't know what to do with again, from your friends at WOOLWINDERS, yourneighborhood yarn shop!
DATE: Saturday, April 12th
TIME: 1-4 PM
COST: $55